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The Minerva Show – Episode 2

How do you decide when to say yes (or no) to a role or a meeting?

How do you decide?  Let us know in the comments.

  1. Paul on Thursday 3, 2011

    Lot’s of info here. Brains of Minerva is a great resource, thank you.

  2. Anastasia on Thursday 3, 2011

    Ladies, you’re both so poised and intelligent..can’t believe you haven’t been snapped up in the BRAINS OF MINERVA MOVIE: The making of two superstars. :) So bummed to hear about the cancellation. Have drinks for me. I’ll be in Beantown.

  3. Sabrina Bolin on Thursday 3, 2011

    You ladies are so amazing – thanks for this!

    I would have responded sooner but I was out of the country (and away from internet/twitter/etc.) for my day job until today. While away, I had time to reflect quite a bit (especially about my acting career). Your words have rung true as I have asked myself the questions: where do I truly want to invest my creative energies and where will I find the most joy? Once I have found that, deciding on the day to day opportunities will ultimately become more clear to me (i.e. will this move me forward or will this be something I will truly enjoy). Otherwise, what’s the point? 😉

    Thanks again as always for helping me sort out some of the many thoughts swimming about in my head and for continuing to pass along that inspiration!