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Hollywood Antidotes to Holiday Cheer

As you run around the city finishing up shopping, rushing to airports, and bracing yourself for your family’s questions about how your career is going, rest assured there is always someone in town feeling more put-upon than you. And several of them are making hilarious shorts about their lots courtesy of the DIY animation service Here are a few of my favorites. The first, about the actor-agent relationship, came on my radar via The Working Actress. I discovered the second, an imagined job interview for Mad Men creator Matt Weiner, and the third,  about working for producer/manager Gavin Polone, via Deadline Hollywood.

By Richard Ruccolo

by TVAuteur

By April Lamb

Photo by grifray

  1. Miki Yamashita on Tuesday 21, 2010

    My favorite is this: “You Should Be On Broadway.”

  2. Trish on Tuesday 21, 2010

    Loved the first one. Thanks for sharing this, I will pass it on.